Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

Life is definitely a Fairytale-


ah yes , all we see in those crappy movies are just a bunch of lies . there is no prince charming , no spectacular wedding... no happily ever after's-

dan sekarang berdiam diri disini , gak tau mau ngapain , kehilangan kata-kata buat ditulis (maksudnya ketik) . being random . people's faces are running through my minds , i miss them a lot :(

'Dan merekapun hidup bahagia selama-lamanya...'
Bullshark (jadi inget AquaMarine) .
mami yang super sibuk , bokap yang super bawel , little bro and sissy yang super rese ! ah yes , my life can't get anymore better .

dikamar saudara yang super comfy :) i love my cousin . i feel like she's all i got for now-
everyone's so... far away :(

what are friends for ?
no , that's not a trick question that doesn't need an answer . i seriously asked that question-
that means i need an absolute answer , which i obviously haven't figured out (just yet) .
if they are meant to steal your crushes (or in some of your cases , boyfriends) , then in that case , i don't need a friend . if they are meant to backstab you , i don't need em' too . if they are meant to betray you , i don't need a friend either .

i need people with unconditional love , so that this world will be a better place !
okaaay im outta here peeps !

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